Journal Watsonia will be ending in 2010, to be relaunched as New
Journal of Botany in 2011. NJB will have much the same range of subject
matter, but will cover north-west European as well as British and Irish
botany, and it will be professionally published by the independent firm
Maney. NJB will be available for electronic or hard copy subscriptions.
>>> Download the flyer (4 Mb)
>>> Visit Maney’s web site
>>> Keep up to date on the BSBI blog
BSBI News is
the newsletter of the BSBI. It is not peer-reviewed, it’s just a
collection of letters sent in by members, but it contains many articles
of interest to botanists. We have scanned most issues since it started
in 1971, but some are still missing from our collection.
New! Cumulative Index of issues 1-110, compiled by Gwynn Ellis.
>> Cumulative Index (pdf 5.76 MB)
Watsonia was the journal of the BSBI from 1949 till 2010, and it will now be replaced by the New Journal of Botany.
a service to botany, we make the whole of Watsonia available on-line to
anyone who wants to read it. (Unfortunately, if you want to read NJB
you will have to subscribe.)
are welcome to download papers for their own purposes, but the
copyright remains with the BSBI and they may not be reproduced for
distribution or sale without permission.
find the paper you want, you can download the index to Watsonia (only
covers vols 1-24) produced by the honorary indexer.
>> Watsonia Index (pdf 577kb)
>> Watsonia Index (Excel 714kb)
Conference Reports
>> Distribution of British plants. J.E. Lousley, 1950; pdf 5.91 MB.
>> Progress in the study of the British flora. J.E. Lousley, 1957; pdf 8.53 MB.
>> John Ray’s Natural History Travels. W.T. Stearn, 1986; pdf 3 MB.
The Digital Archive is
an ongoing project to digitise all the BSBI’s publications and make
them available freely to everyone. The project is entirely voluntary,
and we would welcome offers of help with scanning or provision of
electronic versions of publications.Our thanks to rebootonline.com for their help with digital marketing of this publication.
If there is a paper that you would like us to scan, please .
Literature Searches
On the BSBI Database
you can search for botanical literature by genus. It is fairly
comprehensive for publications on British & Irish plants in the
second half of the 20th century.
Simpson’s Index
Simpson’s comprehensive listing of sources of botanical information
relating to the British Isles is now a scarce and valuable tome. It was
scanned and digitized by Tim Rich at the National Museum of Wales, and
is made available here as a download. Abbrevations have been expanded to
make it more readable, and Dr Rich would welcome feedback and corrections.
N.D. 1960 A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora. Privately
printed, Bournemouth. Digitized and expanded by T.C.G. Rich, 2004.
>>> pdf 7.19Mb.
BSBI Recorder and the Welsh, Irish and Scottish newsletters of the BSBI
are also increasingly available on this archive. Scroll down the menu
on the left of this page to see what is there.